Mission and Outreach
The Presbyterian Church of Seffner has a committed history to support a wide range and variety of missions programs. Not only financial support to charitable organizations through monthly offerings, but through hands-on work, both locally and overseas. Through these tangible and intangible gifts, people are able to put food on tables, clothe children, repair homes and visit homebound people. We strive to support many groups, and it is our prayer to help people to know God’s goodness. Below you will find information on our Covenant Mission Partnerships through our Presbytery- Cedarkirk and Beth-El- as well as our annual Bikes for Jesus program we started and our weekly Meals-on-Wheels support.
Our Ministry Partners

During the Christmas season we adopt a number of families from Beth-El and members of the congregation purchase gifts for each family member. Our Christmas Eve Offering is also designated for this ministry. At Easter we put together Easter baskets for the children.
Every year prior to Christmas, we begin our Bikes for Jesus’ Birthday campaign. We join as a congregation to put the bikes together. We donate a bike, helmet, and a Bible to children in the Foster Angel Program and to the youth of Beth-El Farm Ministry. We donate them so the children can have a brand new, wonderful Christmas present. We are able to purchase the bikes through donations from our congregation and others. If you are able to help with this wonderful ministry, donation cards are available in multiple areas of the church or you can call the church office.
We accept donations for this ministry throughout the year.
We collect personal hygiene items such as deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper etc. along with t-shirts, blankets, water, and snacks among other items that the homeless can use. We then put them in sturdy bag with handles to be given out by our congregation as they see an individual in need. This is ongoing.
On our Fifth Sundays the BIG RED BUS comes to our church and those in our congregation and community that desire to give blood can do so at that time. Appointments are necessary.
Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we will host a Fifth Sunday Serve and provide the congregation different opportunities to serve in the community. Some of the service opportunities have included:
We host a “Souper Bowl” Sunday in February by asking for donations of canned and non-perishable food to give to ECHO. We also have other donation drives through-out the year.
We collect newspapers, blankets and old shirts to the resource center to assist them in taking care of the many animals there
We collect items to donate to the Seffner Elementary School Mustang Market. These are small toys, puzzles, games, stuffies etc. that the students can use their “Mustang Money” to purchase. The students receive their “Mustang Money” from their teachers for demonstrating one or more of the 3 R’s (Respect, Responsibility, and Right Choice).
In May our Fellowship Committee in conjunction with our Mission Committee hosts a Ladies Spring Tea where all proceeds are donated to a local charity that we are supporting.